2020 what a year! (a long ass year!) For the good and the bad, I still had some memories that I wanted to share to recap the year that 2020 was.
Visiting El Salvador for the first time
After 29 years of waiting, my mom and I planned a much need trip to El Salvador. My mom was born in San Salvador, El Salvador. She moved to the states when she was only 15 in the late 70’s. Since then she had only visited once in 1992. I always dreamed of visiting my entire life.
We finally had the time to visit, January 2020. They main reason for this trip was to visit my grandma (Abui). I’ll be doing a whole blog post on my trip there because there is a lot to cover but I am soo grateful that the universe allowed me to make this trip to El Salvador to see my grandma (before COVID would hit) I got to see and my grandma and properly say goodbye. (she passed in March 2020) I always wanted to visit her home county while she was alive for my first time. It was also a memorable trip for my mom and myself to really bond and some much needed mother-daughter time.
Galantines Trip to Disneyland
My official last trip before COVID hit. Who knew it would be my last time inside Disneyland too! cries My girls and I planned this fun Galantines road trip to Disneyland and to explore the town of Solvang. The Disney withdrawal is real, where can I get some Disney churros and a pineapple whip please?

3oth birthday in Quarantine
When I say the government cancelled my birthday, I mean it lol. March 16 2020, the state of California goes into a SIP order for 2 weeks, which we all know lasted way longer! That day was such a blur. I didn’t know what to do. Will was working his last day in the office and in was at home wrapping my head around the new normal life of living for the future. It was only a few weeks ago I was planning a wine tasting outing the weekend of my birthday. I needed up canceled because of COVID thinking “oh we can celebrate in the summer time” ( I laugh thinking that this would be over by then). I joke now that since my birthday was cancelled I didn’t turn 30 yet lol. Regardless of that I did have a few moment in 2020 where I felt discouraged on where I should be in life by now, by 30. Thank goodness for therapy but ill get into that next.
Thankful for Therapy
2020 was the year I think people realized how important mental health is and how therapy can help with that. I was already going to weekly therapy seasons since 2018. This past year I really focused on what setting boundaries looked like for me. I am a type 2 (The Helper) I’m always there to help others but I have a really hard time saying no. The pandemic really shined light on working on what I needed. I needed to work on creating that space for me and to not worry about how my actions make others feel. It is still an ongoing process but I glad I prioritize my mental health.
Adopting Thumper
Well by adopted; I mean having Thumper come live with Will and I. Thumper is my family’s dog (Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel). We got him when I was 17 and he just turned 14 at the top of this year. Last year he needed to have a tumor removed from his stomach so he needed more attentive care. Since Will and I were both working from home, we actually had the time to give him the care he needed. Will and I have always wanted a dog but we were always work away from our home that we knew we didn’t have the time to fully care for a puppy or dog. Honestly though, having Thumper with us this past year has been amazing, plus I think he likes being spoiled rotten now lol. He gives us a reason to get outside and go on walks during the pandemic. We plan lots of trips for him to explore since he has always been a indoor house dog.
Explored California
Much like the rest of the world, being stuck at home gave me cabin fever. I had to itch to travel sooo bad! So I did the next best thing, travel around my state. I sometimes forget how big California is and that I only really explore the Bay Area and LA. Over the summer I had to chance to visit Lavender Fields, McCloud Falls, and Sunflower Field in Winters. Seriously loved being surrounded by nature. Because of this I do plan to visit more national parks that California has to offer.
Updated my at home Office
Being stuck a home gave me the time to finally finish my at home office. I been living in our home for about 6 years and now was the time to complete this room. The whole office tour can be found on my YouTube channel. I’m soo glad I finally took the time to decorate and create my perfect in home office and filming area.

Helped my best friend buy her home in the Bay Area!
When I got the news that my best friend was planning to move back to the bay area from the east coast I was thrilled! Even more thrilled that they wanted me to represent them as their Realtor. I think most people think that it will cost you extra to hire a Realtor when you purchase a home. I’m here to tell you that is not true! When you are purchasing a home, if you hire a Realtor, the commission come from the sellers. With that said if you considering buy a home in the Bay Area I would love to assist you. After 3 weeks searching through Zillow and the MLS, they found their dream home. Out of 20 offers, they got their offer accepted! The market in the Bay Area is crazy but we made it work! I was excited they got a home they love.
2020 may not have played out like I had envisioned, but it did teach me that you can’t expect the expected. Here is to 2021 and to all the new memories that will be created.

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