In the past years when mentioning that I’m going to visit a Disney Park and that I had to plan my DisneyBound looks, most of my friends ask me what is DisneyBound? Today’s post will be explaining what is DisneyBounding is along with some tips when creating a DisneyBound look!
First things first: What is DisneyBounding?
First question being… What is Disneybounding? I used to get that question more often about three years ago, fast forward to the present with the help of social media; DisneyBound or DisneyBounding is a pretty generic term within the Disney Community. In a nutshell; DisneyBound or DisneyBounding is essentially taking clothes from your closet and creating a look based off a Disney character! This started because the parks have a strict rule of any one over the age of 13 can not be dressed in costume as a Face Character. But fans wanted to still show their Disney spirit! Therefore DisneyBounding was created.
Back in early 2010’s, Disney did not have cute apparel. I mean now they have a collection with Gucci!?
Because of my love for fashion, I wanted to style outfits that were my style but also expressing my love for my favorite character but there was none during this time. They only had some fashionable apparel for the more popular characters.
I discovered DisneyBounding through Tumblr (I was obsessed with Tumblr back in 2011-2013) and saw people take modern day clothing and embodying their favorite character with outfit ideas, I was inspired. From then on, anytime I had a trip to visit the parks, I DisneyBounded. Granted some of my first “Bounds” were not that great but I improved and made my Bounds more my style over time. I also saw a community building on Tumblr and Instagram and got soo much inspiration from there. Here are a few of my early DisneyBounds circa 2013-2014

First DisneyBound; My take on Minnie Mouse

Princess Jasmine from Aladdin

Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty

Casual Snow White

Ariel from The Little Mermaid

Megara from Hercules

Tinker Bell from Peter Pan

Our first Dapper Day 2014
The Annual March DisneyBound Challenge
So last year I participated in the annual March DisneyBound Challenge, created by the founder of DisneyBound; Leslie Kay. This years is going on right now! Each year there is a a list with each day being a different theme. I have wanted to participant in the past but always felt that DisneyBounding was only allowed (for me) when I visited the parks. With this challenge, it let me explore what was in my closet already and create looks from there daily. It gave me a must needed creative boost! So check out below my DisneyBounds I did for the March DisneyBound challenge (with some photos from our trip to Walt Disney World in 2017) along with some tips! Check out my 2019 Highlights for some of my other Bounds too

Carl from UP!
DisneyBound (DB) tip: First choose a character! Everyone has a favorite Disney Character. From there look at the color palette!
Princess Jasmine is my favorite Disney Character. Start with the colors she wears; which is teal and gold. From there decide if you want to wear with separates (top and bottoms) or a dress. Both these photos are great Jasmine bound’s but styled differently. The first photo I based on her outfit with separates and styled my hair similar to hers. The second photo I wore a dress but accessorized with gold jewelry and wore my hair down. One piece I have in both looks was a head piece because her jeweled headband is pretty iconic
DisneyBound Tip: Accessories are your Best Friend! Accessories can really complete the look!

Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.
Everything from a purse to jewelry can tied the look together for people to actually see what character you are DisneyBounding as. Seen below or the Mike Wazowski Bound I added this eye bag that represents his character perfectly. Next for Winnie the Pooh by used a small purse to represent his pot of honey, and styling my hair to resemble his ears you can immediately tell who I was Bounding as. Lastly for Pocahontas I added a teal stone necklace that resembles the one she wears.

Winnie the Pooh

DB Tip: Disney Bound with Friends or your Significant other!
Having a friend or partner bound with you to help complete your look! It helps people figure out who are are bounding as. When I Bounded as Rapunzel it was easier to people to figure out who I was bounding with my Flynn Rider on my side, plus it makes for cute photos at the parks!

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

Jasmine and Aladdin
DB Tip: Wanna take your DisneyBound to the next level? Pick a style era!
This tip is great for Dapper Day! (Which is a whole other event I can write a blog post about) Choose a decade and style your DisneyBound around that. You will be surprised what you will come up with, my favorite style is Retro/Pinup. I have seen some amazing 80’s and 90’s inspired DisneyBounds lately. Definitely check out their Instagram for daily posts!
DB Tip: Check your closet first!
Before spending a ton of money at the mall, check to see if you have some pieces in your closet that can work for your DisneyBound. You will be surprised what you already have in your closet. When I was putting my Jane bound together I thought I had to buy a yellow dress. But I just did a closet clean out and found this dress. Going through my accessories I found a purple scarf and it just tied together perfectly.

Jane from Tarzan

Dopey from Snow White

Flower from Bambi

Audrey Rocio Ramirez from Atlantis
Some of my favorite DisneyBound Creators!
Wanted to share some amazing Fashion Creators from Instagram that have amazing DisneyBound looks on their page! Here is a great example of how someone’s personal style makes that DisneyBound unique. Check them out and give them some love!
Felicia IG: becomingfelicity | Dolly IG: thedolly.llama | Erika: IG: erikaenchanted

Chelsea IG: brazzledazzleday | Jasmine IG: dazzlinglikejasmin | Christine IG: dorkdujour
Curstie IG: missvintagelady | Allison IG: damfino | Effie IG: magicalaseffie

Kelsey IG: van_kelsing | Briana IG: brianamatopoeia | Jannette IG: jettesett

Rayna & Sydney IG: magicbymuses | Heather IG: heathertraska | Alisa IG: abitwong
Stephanie IG: madebymagic_designs | Courtney IG: colormemagic | Kristen IG: curse_ten

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